How To Create A Best & Targeting PPC Ad?

This article “How to create PPC ads” is the next part of our previous articles in the Pay Per Click (PPC) series. Hopefully, helped you understand the basic terminology and functions of this method, as well as how to deal with keywords, the integral part of the PPC ad.

We will show you how to use different user categories for targeting your audience, but we will also show you how to create PPC ads.

Targeting Done Right

If you want your PPC ad to be successful, you will have to do some market targeting. That is because a PPC ad designed for the mass market won’t give you great results.

When you select a proper market target, you will reach an audience that is much more likely to respond to your ad, so it is a better long-term solution than reaching a bigger audience with less positive results.

There are three main categories in which you can target users to become your audience:

Geolocation of Users

This method, Geo-Targeting, is using the geographic location of the users as well as IP address or device ID to decide where and to whom to show you a PPC ad. This can help your client’s service or product popularity or even provide you with a higher Return on Investment (ROI).

The distance of the user’s geolocation from your client can be different. It might be in a close range from your client’s business or it can even cover a larger distance, all the way to distant countries. You might want to craft different ads for every location if the client’s business is operative in more than just one area, to keep close attention to the separate results.

User Demographics

This is a very significant category to which you need to pay attention when you target a specific market. There are many demographic categories that you should consider when targeting:

  • Age – With different age come different requirements and desires. Focus on the age group that will react to your ad.
  • Gender – You need to focus on different aspects of your client’s product or service if you wish to cover both genders when you target your audience.
  • Income – This category will help you determine which income levels you wish to target.
  • Occupation – The line of work of users might help you decide which of them you want to target, since their jobs often dictate their lifestyle and desires.
  • Marital status – This is an important category because some studies have shown that married couples tend to pay a higher price for the product, but single individuals are inclined to purchase a specific product more often.
  • Literacy – This category covers the user’s ability to use the Internet in addition to functional and basic literacy.
  • Lifestyle – A person’s lifestyle is a significant factor that might decide how they will react to the specific product or service.

Language of Users

It is very important that the message of your PPC ad is not lost in translation and that the points you made are clearly understood. That is why you need to pay additional attention to language settings for your ad, so your targeted audience can understand every single word.

When you use language targeting, you automatically set the language of the web pages on which you wish your ad to be shown. That means that if your ad is in German, you will want your ad to appear on German websites.

If you want to make an ad in a targeted language, you will first have to research the phrases and terms of that specific language. It is important to have native speakers or translators as part of your team.

Use the English keywords that you have chosen as a guideline and then try to find out appropriate alternatives with your translators, but make sure to check the efficiency of those keywords with some of the online tools.

Creating the Perfect PPC Ad

( how to create PPC ads )

how to create ppc ads

The Internet gives a great opportunity for marketing and advertisers, but that also means greater and fiercer competition.

A well-made ad is crucial if you want to beat the competitors and make your ad stand out among many others.

To do so, you must follow some basic rules and guidelines that will help you create a winning PPC ad.

Market Research

Researching the market is the first thing you must do and to do it you must ask some important questions and find the right answers. For example, you need to find out how many consumers are using your client’s products or services and then find out how many people are using similar or the same products from a different company.

You should then focus on users’ motivation and desires to know how to properly address them and offer the client’s product or service. This you can use to find out the ideal and appropriate keywords that will cause the reaction from those users. Before you begin your keyword research, you should also make a plan for your PPC ad based on your budget.

Keyword Research

If you do good keyword research you will increase your chances of finding the right users who might take the desired action upon seeing your PPC ad.

To do so, you must find out a few things, like what products do the users search for in the client’s industry and who is searching for those products.

Also, you need to find out what keywords the competition is using and how much would you have to bid for a PPC ad related to your keywords.

Build Your Ad and Landing Pages

After you have done your research it is time to build your ad and put the appropriate keywords into one ad group. You should make more than just one ad and then you should check them for every ad group.

After this, you need to build the appropriate landing pages. They must be pretty and eye-catching.

Your PPC Ad Elements

The most important elements of your PPC ad are:

  • Headline: Yeah, you guessed it, this is the leading title of your ad. It is important to make it attractive, compact and engaging.
  • Display URL: This represents the link of the web page where the users will be taken to.
  • Description Line 1 and 2: This represents the ad’s body, where you will talk about your client’s product or service.

Optimize your Ad

Once you have created your PPC Ad, you will need to constantly try and make it more optimal and successful.

You can do it by keeping track of the data and changing and enhancing keywords and other parts of the ad when necessary.

You will also have to get rid of bad-performing words or images and always be sure that you are going the right way by tracking your performance.

Making a PPC ad with Google AdWords

how to create ppc ads

Google AdWords can be powerful and useful when you want to create a successful PPC ad, but you must make sure to follow the best practices we will describe to you.

Framing Your Ad

  • Headline: Needs to be attractive, but informative. Make sure it is grammatically correct and it shouldn’t be longer than 25 characters.
  • Description: Ideally you want to split your description into two lines, both no longer than 35 characters.
  • Display URL: No longer than 35 words.

Identify Your Competition

It is important to know who will be your bidding competition and who has the top ad rank in your client’s respective field of work.

But you also need to identify the advertisers that are not at all relevant to your business since they too will be going for a part of the users’ attention.

Identify Your Client’s Assets and Credentials

This part is important since it will point out what you can offer to the interested users. You should use product or service reviews from previous users. Then, it is important to point out your client’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP) since that is what makes a difference between your client and competition.

For example, make sure to point out the price, or innovative traits, as well as the quality of the product or service you are offering. Include your client’s credentials, awards he has won or his position in the industry, what respective brands he has worked with, and anything else that will tell users why your client is their best choice.

Craft an Efficient Call-To-Action (CTA)

Use your ad to create a productive CTA that will make your audience take the desired action when they come to your web page.

Use direct response phrases (call, purchase, buy), lead generation phrases (start, access, receive, contact us) or engagement phrases (see, read, check out, discover).

Write Your Ad Copy Carefully

Keep in mind that you write to engage your audience and be as concise and compact as you can, but make sure that you are accurate and interesting.

To keep your users focused on your writing, use exclamation marks, as well as numbers and abbreviations since they can keep your text compact.

Capitalizing words outside of articles in your ad copy might help you improve your Click Through Rate (CTR). Also, don’t forget to use your keywords in your headline.

Repeat Keywords on Your Landing Page

You should always repeat your keywords on your landing page since it assures the users that they have come to the perfect place for their needs and desires.

Certainly don’t overdo it and don’t spam your pages with keywords, because that might hurt the conversion.

Test Your Ad

After you have finished your ad copy, make sure to test it. You can use AdWords Experiments to check out various ad versions so you can choose the best and make the necessary adjustments.

This was another part of our Pay Per Click series (how to create PPC ads) and now you are almost ready to begin using this method to improve your visibility and performance as an online advertiser.

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